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Investment Portfolios

Investment Portfolios

Investment Portfolios

Successful investment today requires a number of key factors such as investment experience, professional management, modern communication infrastructure, as well as comprehensive follow-up of the latest news and resolutions affecting the financial markets, and especially emerging markets.  Alinma investment provides all these factors and features to manage all your private investments smartly and with high responsibility in accordance with the Shariah rules and provisions.

Features of Investment Portfolios:

Our dear partner, you can create your portfolio based on your investment view, expected income and the level of risk you might bear in the assets of your portfolio, and a team of experienced consultants in Alinma Investment will carry out and and follow up your portfolio with high level of precision and professionalism to achieve your investment objectives with minimal costs and higher levels of service.

Suitable to Whom?

The investment portfolio suits well partners who wish to delegate our specialized advisory team to manage their portfolios based on their investment outlook and objectives that are compatible with the rules and provisions of Shariah.

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